Britney Spears in The Shower - Interrupts Radio Interview With Ryan Seacrest To Take A Shower

Britney Spears Photos
Britney Spears in The Shower
Britney Spears called into KIIS-FM's, "On Air with Ryan Seacrest" but in the middle of the interview hands the phone to her cousin/assistant Alli, so she (Britney) could take a shower. Hey ya'll a girl has to clean the place that Whopper's fall from.

Maybe Britney does sound like a dumb rock intelligent in parts of the interview, you know before she had to leave and go scrub the parts of her that we all hope to never see again.

Some of the things Britney said during the interview:


"I'm good"

"We had fried chicken"




"Ummm. Oh. That's a good question."

"Oh gawd."

"The producer told me to say it."

See? Told you she sounds intelligent in the interview. Don't ever doubt me.

When asked by Ryan Seacrest when she'd see her kids, Brit had no clue, answering, "My lawyers know about all that." Like duh, why would she, THE MOTHER know about her children?


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